AEV Snorkel
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I like the way the AEV snorkel runs along the hood line. I'm not a big fan of drilling a huge hole in the side of the vehicle and running a hose all through the engine compartment – the nice cool air gets warmed up before it gets sucked into the engine.
Anyway, when I installed the snorkel I forgot to take photos :-( - after working all day on the truck, it was getting close to midnight and I just wanted to get it done…
Getting a clean cut for the hood opening to provide space for the snorkel-to-airbox connection was the hardest part.
I used a box cutter to trim the rockwool padding. Then I cut the hood along the template and sprayed the cut edges with black paint.
The facory mini snorkel was taken off. I thought I could insert the new snorkel without removing the air box but I couldn't pop it in right. So I removed the air box which is only held by plastic pins in rubber grommits.
I attached all mounting brackets to the snorkel, then pushed the snorkel in the air box opening and reinserted the air box with the attached snorkel and bolted it on.

At last I rivetted the trim ring along the hood opening for a nice finish.

It's a very easy install, although I messed around with the hood cutting a bit. A second time I should be able to do it in less than 30 minutes.